Computer Science and Engineering
Computer science and engineering are indispensable for the information society. They enable the design and manufacture of high performance computers, and the development of the software needed to operate and apply them over the whole range of industry. This means that computer science and engineering should be studied not as a purely theoretical research, but as a science with application to real life. The development of computer science and engineering greatly influences not just the information industry but the whole gamut of industry.
Study and research in the computing field requires logical reasoning and creative thinking based on the fundamental theory of engineering and science. Because computer software and hardware have a very close relationship, students are required to study both aspects in depth. Students gain an expert knowledge and conduct research in computer architecture, operation systems, databases, programming languages, computer networks, CAD, artificial intelligence, algorithms, natural language processing, multimedia systems, object orientated systems, distributed systems, and real-time systems.
The computer industry is a typical technology- and knowledge-intensive industry. It is supported and nurtured as one of the key national industries. However there is a serious shortage of highly-qualified people in the computer industry, both nationally and internationally, and it is expected that this situation will continue for quite some time in the future. Moreover, as new fields in the computer industry, such as the development of high performance intelligent computers, are exploited and expanded, the shortage of manpower worsens. Accordingly, we aim to be a hub training highly-skilled people in research for developing advanced computer-related technologies.