Linear Algebra for Electrical Systems code: 430.216_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Choi, Jin Youngdepartment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Topics in IC(Wireline Transceiver Design) code: 430.831_2020Flevel: Graduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Deog-Kyoon Jeongdepartment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Analog Electronic Circuits code: 430.301C_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Deog-Kyoon Jeongdepartment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Probability-based Network Modeling code: M1522.004200_2020Flevel: Graduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Wha Sook Jeondepartment: Computer Science and Engineering
Programming Practice code: 4190.103A_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Wha Sook Jeondepartment: Computer Science and Engineering
Topics in Embedded Systems(Embedded Systems Optimizations) code: 4190.763_2020Flevel: Graduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Jihong Kimdepartment: Computer Science and Engineering
Biological proceses in environmental enginering code: 457.621_2020Flevel: Graduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Yongju Choidepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Environmental enginering code: 457.210A_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Yongju Choidepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Construction IT and Automation code: 457.658_2020Flevel: Graduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Seokho Chidepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering Math 2 code: 033.015_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Yong Sung Parkdepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering