Reservoir Geomechanics code: M1594.002100_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. Ki-Bok Mindepartment: Energy Resources Engineering
Applied Fluid Mechanics code: M2794.002000_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. Haecheon Choidepartment: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Helicopter Engineering code: M2795.008200_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. SangJoon Shindepartment: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Water Pollution Control code: M1586.001500_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. Yongju Choidepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Construction Planning and Management code: 457.307_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. Seokho Chidepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hydraulics and Lab. code: 457.309_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. Il Won Seodepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Planning of Structure Systems code: M1586.002400_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. Ho-Kyung Kimdepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Spatial Informatics and Systems code: 457.205_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. Yongil Kimdepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Electric, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Materials code: 445.312_2019Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2019term: Fallstaff: Prof. Lee Gwan-Hyoungdepartment: Materials Science and Engineering
Phase Transformation in Materials code: 445.302_2019Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2019term: Fallstaff: Prof. Joo, Young-Changdepartment: Materials Science and Engineering