Electronic, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Materials code: 445.312_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Byungwo Parkdepartment: Materials Science and Engineering
Production Contol code: 406.310_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. ILKYEONG MOONdepartment: Industrial Engineering
Linear Algebra for Electrical Systems code: 430.216_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Choi, Jin Youngdepartment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Analog Electronic Circuits code: 430.301C_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Deog-Kyoon Jeongdepartment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Programming Practice code: 4190.103A_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Wha Sook Jeondepartment: Computer Science and Engineering
Environmental enginering code: 457.210A_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Yongju Choidepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering Math 2 code: 033.015_2020Flevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Fallstaff: Prof. Yong Sung Parkdepartment: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering Biology code: 458.203_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. Tai Hyun Parkdepartment: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Introduction to Offshore Engineering code: M1513.000600_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. Yutaek Seodepartment: Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Introduction to Mechanics of Materials code: 445.204_2020Slevel: Undergraduateyear: 2020term: Springstaff: Prof. Myoung-Gyu Leedepartment: Materials Science and Engineering