Advanced Urban Design (Urban Revitalization)


c_lecno Title files
0 Syllabus 10901.pdf
1 4-Revitalising the waterfront_Ch.1 & Revitalising the waterfront_Ch.10 10902.pptx
2 5-Presentation1_Gentrification 10903.pdf
3 5-remaking the urban waterfront (3-4)-Presentation_Guillermo Pozo 10904.pptx
4 5-remaking the urban waterfront (5-6)-Presentation_Schwebe_Mathes 10905.pptx
5 5-도시쇠퇴 우황헌
6 6-the Death and life of American cities (1) - Jane Jacobs Ch 1 - Junghwan 10906.pptx
7 6-the Death and life of American cities (3) - city Part 3_Hyejeong 10907.pptx
8 6-the Death and life of Americian city Part2_Song MinSeok 10908.pdf
9 9-Cultural Development Strategies-Presentation_Masa1 10909.pptx
10 9-Downtown Redevelopment Strategies-Presentation_Masa2 10910.pptx
11 9-Forty Theories of Urban Decline-Presentation_Ma Shuang 10911.pptx
12 9-the Death and life (4)-Presentation_Joo Young Park 10912.pptx
13 10-ClaraAlvarez_2presentations_Reflective+Just Art 10913.pptx
14 10-ClaraAlvarez_Just Art for a Just City (not presented) 10914.pptx
15 10-ClaraAlvarez_Reflective Images (not presented) 10915.pptx
16 10-Form, function and sign-guillermo 10916.pptx
17 10-Schwebe_Industrial_Decline and_Unemployment_and_SOS(UrbanRegeneration) 10917.pptx
18 12-Community Planning in Berlin-Junghwan Park 10918.pptx
19 12-Gateshead Regeneration-Junghwan Park 10919.pptx
20 12-Vitalization of Central Area of City by case of failures_Joo Young Park 10920.pptx
21 13-LandUseChange_DitteStavski_2015.26.11 10921.pdf
22 13-Story of History Distric - Huangxian Yu 10922.pptx
23 13-유럽 산업유산 재생 프로젝트_송민석 10923.pdf
24 13-유럽 산업유산 재생 프로젝트-유혜정 10924.pdf