Topics in Real-Time Systems(Real-Time Theory for Cyber-Physical System Design)


Title files
[김주성] The Need of a Timing Model for the AUTOSAR software standard PDF icon 5758.pdf (eng)
[김주성] Toward Real-Time Component-based Systems PDF icon 5759.pdf (eng)
[박명곤] Optimizing Resource Usage in Component-Based Real-Time Systems PDF icon 5760.pdf (eng)
[박명곤] Towards a Methodology for the Quantitative Evaluation of Automotive Architectures PDF icon 5761.pdf (eng)
[신태호] A Holistic Approach to Decentralized Structural Damage Localization Using PDF icon 5762.pdf (eng)
[신태호] MAST Real-Time View; A Graphic UML Tool for Modeling Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems PDF icon 5763.pdf (eng)
[위경수] Holistic Schedulability Analysis for Distributed Hard Real-time Systems File 5764.p (eng)
[위경수] Task Scheduling for Control Oriented Requirements for Cyber-Physical Systems PDF icon 5765.pdf (eng)
[이옥환] Introducing a Component Technology for Safety Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems PDF icon 5766.pdf (eng)
[이옥환] χrma; An holistic approach to performance prediction of distributed real-time CAN systems PDF icon 5767.pdf (eng)
[Vijeta Rathore] A Development Framework for Ultra-Dependable Automotive Systems Based on a Time-Triggered Architecture PDF icon 5752.pdf (eng)
[조광윤] Integrating Virtual Exectution Platform for Accurate Analysis in Distributed Real Time Control System Development PDF icon 5768.pdf (eng)
[Vijeta Rathore] System level performance analysis - the SymTA/S approach PDF icon 5753.pdf (eng)
[조광윤] On the schedulability analysis for distributed hard real time systems
[권오철] Cadena; An Integrated Development, Analysis, and Verification Environment for Component-based Systems PDF icon 5754.pdf (eng)
[권오철] Passivity-Based Design of Wireless Networked Control Systems for Robustness to Time-Varying Delays PDF icon 5755.pdf (eng)
[김강욱] Collision-Free Beacon Scheduling Mechanisms for IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks PDF icon 5756.pdf (eng)
[김강욱] Merge-by-Wire; Algorithms and System Support PDF icon 5757.pdf (eng)